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 Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 454
Localisation : Chez moi
Thème de collection : Militaria Italienne I°GM & II°GM
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2014

Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! Empty
MessageSujet: Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!   Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! EmptyMar 22 Juil 2014 - 20:14

Hey guys,

want to share one of the pith helmets i have..
Its a pretty nice one!
100% Wartime and maybe been there one!
Its a m.28 italian casque colonial for EM, with the badge 2nd model (ww2) of autieri corps, it has even the 2nd tmodel very rare (ww2) tri-colour rosettes!
Green inside as the ww2 has to be!
I dont think the khaki ones are wartime as someone said.. Rolling Eyes 
A nice one for me!Very Happy
What do you think?

A bientot,

Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! SAM_1386_zps1b495156
Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! SAM_1387_zps39384a94
Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! SAM_1388_zps9f8c0529
Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! SAM_1391_zps281a15d6
Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! SAM_1393_zps78516ebe
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Nombre de messages : 248
Age : 47
Localisation : Hyères
Thème de collection : Aéronautique ww2 mais pas que...
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2014

Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!   Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! EmptyMar 22 Juil 2014 - 20:57

what a tropical helmet !!! absolutely wonderful item  Shocked 
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Nombre de messages : 454
Localisation : Chez moi
Thème de collection : Militaria Italienne I°GM & II°GM
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2014

Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!   Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! EmptyMar 22 Juil 2014 - 22:37

Kerlin a écrit:
what a tropical helmet !!! absolutely wonderful item  Shocked 

Hello Kerlin,

thanks a lot mate!Very Happy

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Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!   Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps! Empty

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Italian pith helmet, Casque colonial m28, "Autieri" Driving corps!
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