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Nombre de messages : 83
Age : 25
Localisation : Saint-Etienne
Thème de collection : Les écossais et la Grande Guerre
Date d'inscription : 25/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Recherche information insigne   Recherche information insigne EmptyMar 12 Sep 2023 - 22:40

Bonsoir à tous les amis,

Je me suis lancé dans l'évocation d'un caporal du 1er bataillon des Queens Own Cameron Highlander depuis environ un an et donc depuis je suis à la recherche d'information sur leur insigne de combat porté sur leur tuniques. Hélas le peux d'informations que j'ai pu chiné me font tourner la tête car je ne comprend rien, donc si quelqu'un avait des infos sa m'aiderais énormément.

Cameron Barracks, Inverness, was the depot for the 3rd Battalion at the start of the war and also the processing
centre for the volunteers of 1914. The 1st Battalion were in Edinburgh and the 2nd Battalion at Poona. All ranks
wore a common cap badge, officers wore collar badges, and other ranks wore a curved shoulder title - CAMERON

1st Battalion
The battalion joined the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, after a short period as Army Troops on landing in France on
14/8/14. In March 1916 the battalion absorbed the 1st/4th Battalion. It spent the war on the Western Front with the
1st Division.

Badges : a square of regimental colours, vertically divided blue/black/green, was worn on the upper arms. On the
left side of helmet, initially all ranks wore the bonnet badge, but it was quickly changed to just officers and
warrant officers. In 1919, in Germany, a painted sign was adopted on the left side of all ranks' helmets : a white
St. Andrew's cross on a blue disc. The battalion began the war with the regulation khaki drill apron but is was
discarded at an early date and nothing worn after that. Sporrans were not worn. Steel helmets were first worn by
bombers and then all ranks in March/April 1916 with a khaki cover from the summer until dulled helmets were

2nd Battalion
On arrival from India on 16/11/14 it joined the 81st Brigade, 27th Division. It landed at Le Havre on 20/12/14
and fought on the Western Front until it sailed for Salonika on 29/11/15. It remained in Salonika for the rest of the

Badges : a 1/4" khaki band worn at the base of the shoulder strap was adopted in April 1916 and worn by all ranks.
The Battalion CO also stated that all ranks wore two badges on the pagri. On the left was the pre-war regimental
flash : a horizontal, 3½ x 1 3/8" patch of Cameron of Erracht tartan. The brigade sign, a vertical yellow tape 3" x 3/8"
adopted  in April 1917, was on the right side. A tartan patch was worn under the cap badge on the tam-o'-shanter.

3rd (Reserve) Battalion

After three years in Scotland the battalion moved to Ireland in November 1917.

Badges : regulation cloth and metal and a Cameron of Erracht tartan kilt. This was confirmed by Private Robert
Burns who trained with thr battalion in 1914/15.

Quand à cette partie je l'ai trouvé est sur le livre : "Badges of the regular infantry 1914-18" de David Bilton
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